Toast and See
April 20, 2014 |I want to take a second to give a shout out to all the toasters out there. On so many occasions, slices of bread are placed into this machine and transformed. The slices of bread reach a new level, a level at which they become slices of toast. That which was an ordinary slice of bread, after being buried in the toaster for a short time, emerges from the toaster with a golden radiance that speaks of its new life. You may not realize it, but the toaster is a great metaphor for the Easter story. Jesus said that He is the bread of life (John 6:35), and as He broke the bread with His disciples at The Last Supper, He announced that the bread was His body (Matthew 26:26). We are all individual slices of bread, and Jesus, a human being, was no different. Submitting to the Will of the Father, Jesus went into the depths of the toaster for a short time. None of us really know what happens when a slice of bread is plunged into the toaster. Jesus' followers thought that this was the end, but like any toaster, the toast pops up when you least expect it. With a force that shook the foundations of hell and defeated the powers of darkness, Jesus emerged from the depths of the toaster as a slice of toast. In this form, Jesus had every quality of a slice of bread, now with the added brilliance of a slice of toast. The journey that Jesus took through the toaster now allows us to walk that same path. As slices of bread, we are able to go in the toaster and rise to new life. Jesus said us that "it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world" (John 6:32-33). He offers it to us as a free gift, and all we have to do is receive. Shortly after becoming a slice of toast, Jesus welcomed His disciples, saying, "Come and have breakfast" (John 21:12). Accept the invitation. Be transformed from a slice of bread to a slice of toast. Try it for yourself. Toast and see that the Lord is good.