The Stillness Between Bites
May 14, 2014 |I would like to make an apology. Recently, I made a facebook post detailing a bite that I took out of a hamburger. The bite I had that day was undoubtedly a triumphant bite, but I had another hamburger this past weekend, and I can honestly say that that was the best hamburger of my life. It all started last friday night when my bros came to visit my roommate and I. We spent the night doing random things. I woke up the next morning and decided to open up a package of pop tarts. My friend was also awake, and we decided that we would split the package. Each of us ate a total of 1 pop tart. Later that afternoon, we ate lunch at a place called Paradise Pup. The line was literally out the door, and we questioned whether or not we would have time for the adventure. We chose to wait in the line. My friends and I were mad hungry, and that intensified our anticipation for the meal that would take place. When we got to the counter, each of us ordered a hamburger and a large oreo milkshake. After a short wait, they gave us our milkshakes. As I took that first sip, I thought to myself, "this is so creamy." That milkshake will forever have a special place in my heart. We waited for what seemed like minutes, because it took a few minutes for them to finish making the burgers. Finally, they called us out and handed us the food. In the interest of time, we decided that we should eat our burgers on the road. As bros, we decided that we should all take our first bites at the same time. After the preemptive unpackaging of the burgers, a bro led the countdown. Ready, set, go. We took that first bite together, and all I could say was "wow." There was something bro about taking that bite with my friends, and the taste of the burger made it a landmark in bro history. I thoroughly enjoyed every bite of that burger and every sip of that oreo milkshake. The hardest part was when it was over. The burger and milkshake were gone. It was a difficult truth to swallow. However, it made me realize something. In my last facebook post, I theorized that you are greater than the sum of your individual bites. This burger solidified the notion that life is not one continuous bite. There are pauses in between the bites, and sometimes, we have to take a step back from the bite and realize that the life that we live is a gift. In many ways, that burger was about the bite. It was delicious, and I felt delicious eating it. But sometimes, it's not about the bite. The stillness in between bites is an opportunity to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. And sometimes, that is what matters most.