A Note to my Brother on Graduating from College
May 17, 2014 |Since you are graduating today, I would like to take a moment to tell you about how your life is like a samosa. The best samosas are tetrahedral in shape, and I think that college has shaped you into a complete samosa. Each of the 4 panels of the samosa corresponds to the 4 years of your college experience. These 4 panels are the foundation of the samosa. However, a samosa is not complete without the filling. As many often say, it's what's on the inside that counts. The inside of the samosa represents the growth that you've made within the context of your 4 years at college. You have grown a lot as a man of God and by His grace completed the hard task of graduating. In other words, you filled the samosa. Congratulations. I am proud of the samosa that you have become.