The Best Dr. Pepper I've Ever Had


I bought a bottle of Dr. Pepper last night.

I was in a gas station yesterday and I wanted to buy something with a bit of caffeine for sometime later in the week. I figured that I would keep it in the fridge in my hotel room and open it when the opportunity arose. When I checked into my hotel room, however, I quickly found that there was no fridge* to keep my drink chilled. It was rather disheartening; who wants to drink Dr. Pepper when it has no chill?

I left the bottle in my bag while I was at work today, unsure when I would be able to Dr. Pepper and chill this week. At some point today though, I was reminded of the existence of ice. While putting ice in a bottle is difficult, putting a bottle in ice is rather easy, especially considering that there was an abundance of ice in the hotel. I got back from work, placed the bottle in some ice, and carried on with my scheduled activities.

After my scheduled activities, I returned to my hotel room with my dinner and found that the Dr. Pepper was adequately chilled for my taste. A quick slurp of the beverage confirmed this. I proceeded to eat my food, periodically drinking the Dr. Pepper on the table in front of me. I was pretty satisfied with the drink, and without any ice in the bottle to water it down, it tasted quite salubrious.

About halfway through the meal, I realized that instead of placing the drink on the table, I could place the bottle back in the ice container while I wasn't drinking it. This simple idea TRANSFORMED the Dr. Pepper experience: subsequent slurps were even more chill as time went on! I was taken aback, and I even had an epiphany about Jesus' first miracle (where the better drinks were served after the lame ones had been consumed). This was easily the best Dr. Pepper I've ever had.

All of that being said, I like to believe that I'm a pretty chill guy but sometimes I'm not as chill as I want to be. Sometimes I need something more chill than me. Drinks don't get cold on their own; they need ice to bring the temperature down and keep it chill. More often than not, my friends and family are the ice cubes that keep me chill and allow me to enjoy the finer things in life, such as Dr. Pepper.

I'll leave you with this final thought: If you're having a chill day, don't be afraid to offer your chill to someone else. Likewise, don't be afraid to let someone chill you if you're having a bad day. As someone who lives for the spice, even I know that you can't spell spice without ice <3.

*I later learned that my hotel room does in fact have a fridge in the dresser