Traffic Cones and Friendship


People always say that you should "stop and smell the roses" every once in a while. The thing about roses though is that they look nice and smell nice and therefore capture our attention pretty easily. When was the last time we took notice of traffic cones? Sure, they may not be as nice as roses, but they are their own aesthetic and they are pretty large (me for scale), much larger than many of us care to realize. Many of us see traffic cones everyday, yet we don't appreciate the guidance they provide or the fact that they are so easily seen in the dark.

By this point, you might be asking what this is all about, but to offer an explanation, I have to provide some context. To say the least, the last couple of weeks have been challenging for me emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Despite the nights of stress and worry, however, I found that I was never truly alone. Rather, I was surrounded by friends and family who stood at my side through those times. The more I think about it, the more I find that there are similarities between those people and traffic cones. My friends and family were the ones who have prayed for me, encouraged me, fed me, sacrificed for me, embraced me, and loved me when I was in the dark places, similar to the way traffic cones provide guidance in the middle of the night (notice also that the traffic cones don't position themselves; I firmly believe that God has placed each of my loved ones exactly where they are supposed to be, to guide me today and to guide someone else tomorrow). However, as large, orange, and shiny as these cones are they can still escape my attention, just like how it's difficult for me to always remember the outpouring of kindness I receive from my loved ones. Who are the traffic cones in your life?

As Garrett Russell (vocalist of Silent Planet) writes: "Sometimes love helps us to come back into contact with our humanity and makes us feel things we've forgotten for too long." This is the type of love that I have experienced from my friends and family; I doubt that I will be able to adequately appreciate them for their love, but I do hope that I can be a traffic cone for other people who are struggling. What would the world look like if all of us sought to guide other people in the dark without expecting something in return? What if we bought/prepared a meal for someone, tightly hugged a friend, or let someone know how much they mean to us? You never know how a far a small act of love can reach, but it may be enough to help someone through their woes. Let your love for one another be as loud as the traffic cone is large, orange, and shiny, and don't forget to admire the traffic cones that guide you along the way. <3